


Let's put your website to work.

Custom copy, that also sells your services with empathy? 

start your project

let's get this copy brewing

Your soulmate clients are going to make a decision about your website in 3-5 seconds.

Are you ready for them?

Time to brew some Copy...

-   Website Copywriting Packages   -

What does it mean to sell with empathy?

The online space is... noisy. We've all grown up watching cringy infomercials and being coerced into used-car-salesman-type sales schemes.

And unfortunately, it's all too easy to use some of those cliché, guilty-trippy sales tactics in our own marketing, (Have you ever tried to write sales copy using Chat GPT? Enough said.)

Your leads want to read your website, and feel like they're heard, understood, and valued.

Selling with empathy means we don't cut corners, because frankly, your leads deserve better. They deserve to feel like your copy is custom-made to fix their unique problems. (And the good news is, it will be!)

By following my strategic process, we'll be doing your offer justice, positioning you as an industry leader, and selling to your leads with the empathy they crave in a noisy online space.

Crafting words that sell

Vision and clarity work

This stage helps us get clear on the language we’ll use to attract your soulmate clients. The specificity we’ll achieve in this stage will help you stand out in your niche.

Getting ready to launch

Drawing from the work we’ve done in Stage 1, we’ll work together to develop a vision for your
website and brand messaging that resonates with your soulmate clients.

Now that most of the website foundation has been laid, it’s time to build it. While your designer works their magic, we'll create a lead magnet and email sequence to market your business.


A good cup of coffee is only as good as your ingredients- the same goes for copy. By following this simple but effective process, we'll create a fool-proof path to writing high-converting copy.



The Process and how I work with you

Full Website Copywriting

Website copy package includes:



Perfect for businesses ready to rebrand or uplevel their online presence

You know your services are jaw-dropping and life-changing. When your website reflects that, your soulmate clients will be lining up down the block to work with you.

I'll work with you to get inside the heads of your ideal clients, so your website converts them automatically.

Brew NOW

The Dark Roast

  • Brand messaging framework
  • Outlined customer journey document
  • Unique Value Statement worksheet
  • Up to 5 pages of website copy (3 primary pages, 2 splash pages)
  • Wireframes to streamline collaboration with your designer
  • Graphics, images, and testimonials advised
  • SEO title tags & meta descriptions
  • Unlimited edits for 1 week after final delivery

Cream or Suger? Stir in these add-ons:

  • 3-5 page lead magnet
  • Email welcome nurture sequence (4-5 emails)

4-6 weeks


Brand Messaging Work


perfect for people who need help reaching their target audience

Most business owners know they need copy in order to reach their soulmate clients, but not getting your brand messaging right means they may never understand your value.

By defining your brand message, positioning, and customer journey, you'll never run out of ideas for content and copy that truly makes a splash.

Brew NOW

The french roast

  • Detailed client questionnaire
  • Brand messaging framework
  • Customer journey outlined
  • Unique Value Statement worksheet



2-3 weeks

price tag

Sales Page Copywriting

sales page copy package includes:



Perfect for businesses who know their audience inside-out

You've poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your new offer. But before you can share it with the world, you need to build the stage for it to star on.

A clear, snappy sales page will help sell your offer to your audience with ease and precision.

Brew NOW

The Continental Roast

  • 1 long-form sales page
  • 90 minute strategy call
  • Sales Page Strategy Workbook
  • Wireframe to streamline collaboration with your designer
  • Graphics, images, and testimonials advised
  • Unlimited edits for 1 week after final delivery

Prefer your copy iced? add these:

  • Social media captions
  • Sales email sequence (4-5 emails)

1-2 weeks


Website Copy Audit


price tag


Perfect for anyone who needs quick and effective copy direction

Maybe custom artisan-level copywriting isn't possible for you right now, but you still want your copy to get to *werk* so you can trust your leads are being converted. Together, we'll walk through your website, sales page, or funnel to make it as conversion-rich as possible.

Brew NOW

The Espresso

  • Detailed questionnaire prior to our call
  • Copy reviewed prior to consultation
  • 1hr copy consultation
  • Detailed notes after our call & call recording
  • Action-forward list of copy changes and recommendations
  • 2 week unlimited email follow up support

"Using Delaney for website copy is a no-brainer.


I love how she uses the StoryBrand framework to add structure to the project – she just pulls it out of you in a way that makes the engagement easy. 

She’s no shrinking violet – if your idea sucks she’ll tell you. But once you agree on left and right limits for the engagement, she is able to hone in on your brand voice quickly, and leverages that skill in such a way that the messaging feels authentic to you – saving you time. Highly recommend."

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac hendrerit nibh. Donec nisl turpis, ultricies non mi quis, varius tempor dolor. "


more kind words

"Praesent mollis ipsum quis enim suscipit, ac ultrices eros pellentesque. Suspendisse dui orci, ullamcorper in iaculis egestas, aliquet ut nunc."


more kind words



Do we go together like coffee and donuts?

Here's how you know it's time to work with a website copywriter:

You want to spend more time doing the work you love to do

Are going through a rebrand or scaling your business

Want to attract more soulmate clients who are ready to buy

You want to have optimized brand messaging and clarity

Are getting leads and you want to increase your conversions

Want your website to be the billboard for your brand

Want personality in your copy, without losing clarity

Have a high bounce rate on your website traffic

The right copywriter at the right time can be the *perfect* next step for your business. 

You're ready if you...

start your project

Sure do. Projects are broken up into milestones, but we can set up a custom payment plan based on your needs.

Do you offer Payment Plans?

You know how everything seems clearer after you sleep on it? We'll reach several checkpoints like that in our process. It takes time to get it right!

Does it really take that long to write website copy?

Yes. If possible, wait until we've written the copy before putting your designer to work. I'm happy to collaborate with them to make your copy *pop.*

Will I need my web designer/developer
for this project?

I'd love to! I will likely recommend some layout adjustments, so keep a designer on hand so the copy can be presented in the best light.

I bought a template. Will
you write
the copy for it?

I'd loooove to discuss doing a custom project with you. Send me an inquiry, and I'll be happy to craft a custom proposal for you. 

Do you do custom projects?

Yup! Brand messaging work is essential to make sure we hold your audience's attention from the first second they land on your site to hitting "buy."

Do you do brand messaging for
every website copy project?



Free Resource


Let's put your website to work.

Custom copy, that also sells your services with empathy? 

start your project

let's get this copy brewing

Website copy that helps ambitious entrepreneurs and personal brands sell with empathy.